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【UNICAT 變臉貓】破盤 75%酒精茶樹乾洗手凝膠 免水洗 3+3入組(免水洗 30秒速乾 防禦)大家可以參考看看1911770183.gif

<< 免責聲明:健康食品效果因人而異,使用前仍須與醫師諮詢溝通進行評估而定。>>




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... ...beached (weeping willows), beached gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2018...beached (weeping willows), engulfed gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 50 inches, 2018...beached (weeping willows), lulled gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2018... Crystal Liu 加拿大藝術家 ... Crystal Liu 1980年出生於加拿大多倫多。於2005年從舊金山藝術學院獲得藝術碩士學位,主要研究新的藝術流派。2003年,她在安大略藝術與設計學院獲得了 A.O.C.A.D. 的榮譽學位,主修攝影。她運用多種不同的材料創作個性鮮明、細節豐富的繪畫作品,從大自然和藝術家的個人經歷中汲取靈感。 Crystal Liu 的作品在美國和加拿大已廣泛展出,並被視為一個重要的新興的年輕藝術家。她的個展包括 weighing it out (Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, 2016);Crystal Liu (Morgan Lehman Gallery, New York, 2016);i always meant to love you (Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, 2015);Crystal Liu: with perplexity… (San Marco Gallery, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, 2015;don』t let me down (Katzman Kamen Gallery, Toronto, 2011);what sparkles… (Hosfelt Gallery, San Francisco, 2011) 和 Crystal Liu (Collectors Contemporary, Singapore, 2009)。2016年劉亦菲第一次香港個展 One on One: Solo Exhibitions by Crystal Liu and Qi Yu,香港世界美術館。 ...beached (weeping willows), ready of not ?gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2018 ...beached (weeping willows), stay awhile more gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2018...beached (weeping willows), testing the waters gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 50 inches, 2018Crystal Liu 以新的抽象山水畫反映了生活的複雜性和人與人之間的關係,用風景來隱喻生活的複雜性和她自己的情感狀態。她通過對月亮、星星、山脈和巖石的描繪,用搖搖欲墜的樂觀主義來表達意圖和慾望。生活的複雜性,從希望到孤獨,都被精心注入到她的作品中,暗示著藝術家自己私人生活的真相。...going places (weeping willows), getting in touchgouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 38 inches, 2018 ...going places (weeping willows), in the moonlight gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2018風景以一種微妙的觸感浮現在眼前,這種觸感與其說是攝影,不如說是繪畫。他們的浩瀚和自由讓觀眾投降,重新想像,或重新創造他們作為個人的幻想或記憶。...going places (weeping willows), reunitedgouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 50 by 38 inches, 2018 ...going places (weeping willows), you are here gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 38 inches, 2018Crystal Liu 將她的情感狀態與美麗的抽象畫緊密地聯繫在一起。在大型作品中,她用隱喻的手法來描繪推動我們前進的無形力量。從視覺上看,大地和天空的元素是我們難以想像的情感的演員。太陽、山和其他作品共同描繪了「 關於衝突、陷阱、渴望和朝不保夕的希望的敘事 」。這些符號看起來像是被移除的,但卻讓作品變得非常個人化。...the fog, all I havegouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2019 ...the fog, in waves gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, into the night gouache, watercolour and ink on paper, 40 by 40 inches, 2019...the fog, into the night, II gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 40 by 40 inches, 2019...the fog, it gets better gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2019最近Crystal Liu以金屬顏料、定製大理石紙、水粉畫和墨水等材料為靈感,開始了她的最新系列作品,她的調色板靈感來自珍珠母貝(mother of pearl)。她將它與多個不透明的灰點組合在一起,構成了她新的主角:霧(The Fog)。......the fog, embracegouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, I see you gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, like the lulling waves gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, nestled gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, rise up gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019......the fog, wash over megouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019「 有時,霧看起來很厚,難以穿透,而且永遠不會消失。但它也會像不速之客一樣迅速通過。霧遮住了山茶花的部分景觀,山茶花靜靜地漂浮在水面上,閃爍的星星依偎在山腳下,冒著洶湧的海浪。與樺樹、垂柳、星星和月亮等一起,描繪了親情、回憶和希望的故事。」...the fog, hold upgouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 40 by 40 inches, 2019 ...the fog, hold up, II gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2019.........the fog, huddling together gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019......the fog, rolling ingouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019......the fog, they escaped megouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019...the fog, watch over me gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 48 by 48 inches, 2019Crystal Liu 將自然元素 —— 黑夜、星星、雲彩、多肉的山、柳樹、血、水、貓頭鷹、章魚和鮮花 —— 轉換成角色詞典,根據她個人的快樂和悲傷來演繹非凡的故事。...I always meant to love you, my heart droppedgouache, watercolour and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2017 ...I always meant to love you, my heart dropped, II gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 60 by 40 inches, 2017...i always meant to love you gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...I always meant to love you, on standby gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38by 38 inches, 2017...I always meant to love you, lean in gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 38 inches, 2017...I always meant to love you, with one embrace gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 38 by 38 inches, 2017...I always meant to love you, felt like home gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 50 by 38 inches, 2017...I always meant to love you, wedged gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2017Crystal Liu 的繪畫可以比作中國山水畫,每一筆、每一幅畫都寓意深刻。但她用暴力顛覆了這些傳統場景的寧靜。材料的選擇,包括織物,金箔,毛氈和紋理紙,提供了一個微妙的平衡誘惑,幽默和恐怖。...a balancing act, holding it togethergouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2016 ...a balancing act, weighing it out, II gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...a balancing act, level gouache, watercolour and collage on paper 30 by 30 inches 2016...a balancing act, two sides gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2017...a balancing act, levelled gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...a balancing act, standing still gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2017在她的系列作品「 月亮與潮汐 」(the moon and the tides)中,水粉畫和水彩被用來描繪月亮旁邊的自然之美。Crystal Liu 在這個系列中對山和潮汐的描繪都是微妙的相互關係。觀眾可以想像到自然世界各方面的動態關係,如月亮、山脈和潮汐,是如何與人類關係的發展相聯繫的。人類關係的發展一開始是令人興奮的、勢不可當的、暴風驟雨般的,然後隨著時間的推移逐漸平靜下來。...the moon and the tides, a rocky startgouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 50 by 48 inches, 2017 ...the moon and the tides, please be gentle gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2016...the moon and the tides, when you&apos;re close gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2017...the moon and the tides, settling in gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, triptych, each panel is 44 by 30 inches, 2017...the moon and the tides, swept me off my feet gouache, watercolour and collage on paper 44 by 30 inches 2016...the moon and the tides, everything must fall down gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 44 by 30 inches, 2016在「 山脈 」(the mountains)系列中,Crystal Liu 首次採用了手工製作的大理石拼貼技術。作品中大理石花紋的漩渦呼應了中國水墨畫的傳統藝術。與此同時,獨特的邊緣拼貼模仿了堅硬和巨大的石頭,山脈和懸崖的自然世界,提供庇護和保護,並提高其他形式,如樺樹,更接近月球。...the mountains makeshiftgouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 38 by 38 inches, 2017 ...the mountains, the partition gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...the mountains, I&apos;ll take you there gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 50 by 49.5 inches, 2017...the mountains, this must be the place gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 50 by 50 inches, 2016...the mountains, breach gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...the mountains, the partition, II gouache, watercolour, ink and collage on paper, 60 by 50 inches, 2017Crystal Liu 的「 夢境 」( in dreams)系列是一組山景,描繪了夜空的倒影在水面上閃閃發光。在整個系列中,倒影象徵著夢的想像空間。...in dreams, corneredgouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016 ...in dreams, nestled gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2016...in dreams, it&apos;s out of my hands gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2017在作品 stay close 2017 中,只有月亮的倒影可以在水面上看到,這表明月亮是依偎在群山中看不見的。場景投射出一種平靜和親密的感覺;由於月球的距離,洶湧的潮汐被阻擋在海灣之外,但它們之間的關係卻完好無損,並在最親密的時刻,通過月球的反射,水和月亮合而為一。...in dreams, stay closegouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 50 by 50 inches, 2017 ...in dreams, cornered, IIgouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 50 by 50 inches, 2017 ...in dreams, it escapes me gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 50 by 50 inches, 2016...in dreams, within reach gouache, watercolour and collage on paper, 30 by 30 inches, 2017責任編輯:王春陽



<< 免責聲明:健康食品效果因人而異,使用前仍須與醫師諮詢溝通進行評估而定。>>






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